After much thought, we're going to do this!

We are so pleased to announce that the Maui Calm Project is officially organized and moving forward to help the people of Maui! It took a lot of contemplating, phone calls, emails and more to see if the idea of providing emergency clinical float therapy to our community was realistic. We knew we wanted to help and that flotation therapy is quite possibly the best treatment available for anyone on Maui suffering from trauma and mental health issues related to the fires.
Stay tuned as we continue to move forward with our vision. We already know of many organizations who will be stepping up to support this project and we will make sure to mention their efforts and donations.
Thank you to everyone who helped us analyze the logistics and potential pitfalls of this venture. Our mission is to bring FREE clinical float therapy to the island of Maui to help ease the suffering. Today, we are one big step closer!